Emergencies and Out-of-Hours treatment

At Chapel Cottage Dental Practice we aim to see patients with genuine emergencies on the same day. We reserve a limited amount of time each day for emergencies and ask that patients telephone the practice as early as possible to enable our staff to allocate an appointment for you.

We provide an Out-of-Hours emergency service, weekdays between the hours of 6pm – 9pm and weekends and bank holidays between the hours of 9am – 1pm.  in which we work on a rotational basis with other dentists in the area to provide emergency care.

In an emergency please see details below:

Local On-Call Dentist: 01244 355 240
Denplan UK: 0800 844 999
Denplan Overseas: +44 1962 844 999 
NHS Wales: 111

For NHS Emergency information click here or visit www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk
For Denplan Emergency information click here

What to do in the event of a dental emergency.

If you have a dental emergency please follow the simple steps below: